Integrated Tuberculosis Care and Prevention for Enhancing Case Findings, Health System Strengthening, and Sustainability

Project Period: May 2006 – Ongoing
Reporting Period: July 22- June 2023
Project Location: 14 Wards of Dhaka North and South City Corporation
Financial Partner: GFATM through BRAC
Project Staff: Total Staff: 30 (Female-15, Male-15)
Target Beneficiaries: General public of 14 wards of Dhaka North and South City Corporation
Goal: The overall goal of TB control in Bangladesh is to reduce morbidity, mortality, and transmission of TB until it is no longer a public health problem.

Major Activities

  • TB case findings
  • Treatment Outcome
  • Sputum conversion
  • Presumptive collection and referral to TB diagnosis Centre
  • Arranging cough camps
  • Quarterly Staff Meetings
  • Observing World TB Day
  • Orientation and Campaigns with different groups of people
  • Providing TPT (TB Preventive Therapy) for children and adults
  • TB and HIV Screening

Major Achievements

  • TB case findings: 2,557
  • TPT (TB Preventive Therapy): 773
  • HIV tests among TB patients: 352

Special Event: Arranged 9 campaigns in intervention areas for sputum collection.

To know more about previous activities of this project please click on this link: Previous Work

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